Thursday, July 24, 2008

The darkest cloud ever!

There was a lot of excitement today. After lunch we heard the claxton ringing loudly all over campus telling of a tornado warning and advising people to get into a building right away. The border jumpers are an adventurous lot, but did not want to test mother nature, so we went down to the basement classrooms. Thankfully, no tornado touched down on campus.

Around an hour later the tornado warning was called off - just in time for us to start working on our group notebook. We held a group pow wow in the hall and divided up the work. Jumper one decided to work on typing up the Process and Methodology section of our research project and jumpers two and three started the process of making all the charts look the same so they can be compared on Monday. It was a tedious process, but we completed most of our goals by the end of the afternoon. We are all looking forward to comparing the data and seeing what it tells us about the three sites.

This is a picture of the border jumpers after a long day on the computers!

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